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18th January, 2024

What is SEO?


Search engine optimization, as the name suggests, is the process of improving your site for better results in search engines such as Google or Bing. If your page appears on the first-page search results for instance, then users have a better chance of viewing your site and clicking.




Google uses bots to crawl pages (Identify the content in your website and its relevance) so that it can rank websites in search results. Keywords are important in improving the ranking of your page. Aside from keywords, google also uses other factors in trying to improve the performance of your site. Factors such as:



How well does your site work on various devices such as mobile?



How well are the pages on your website linked?


Meta content

More information about your site.



How many websites are linking back to your site?


And several other factors.




SEO helps in increasing the traffic to your site, thus increasing the click-through rate  of your website (The number of people who are clicking on your website).


Searching has become a fundamental part of our lives. Be it students doing research for their essay, or a researcher looking for findings for his paper. Google alone process about 40,000 searches per second. So online searches make up a bulk of the traffic that businesses get. Plus it is organic, meaning unlike paid ads, you cannot pay google to rank your page better. You must put in the work.


If customers find your page on their own, they are more likely to become loyal customers, compared to when they get to your business through paid ads or third-party mentions, such as influencers. Many buyers like to trust their own instincts.


Another factor is that when a buyer is searching online, they already have purchasing intent. Thus, it is much easier to convert such a prospective client.




We have well-trained SEO specialists who have dedicated years to honing their craft, and helping pages rank better in online search results. Let us increase the size of traffic to your website, thus the number of your prospective clients and sales.


Here is what we will achieve do for you:


Page audit

To determine how best we can improve your page.


Competitive analysis.

To figure out what your competitors are doing, and what you can do better.


Keyword analysis

To determine which keywords perform best for your demographic.


Technical SEO

We will consult on how you can improve the performance of your site or do a page optimization ourselves if you lack a development team.


Content marketing

We will create SEO-optimized blog articles to improve your ranking and enhance brand loyalty.


Improved search results in online searches

Get in touch with us today, so we can help you curve out your niché.


Email outreach

We will help you build backlinks to your site through email outreach